
Selling a residential property in Victoria

Selling your residential property is likely to be one of the most significant financial transactions you'll ever make. The sale of a property is managed by conveyancing laws that can be overwhelming and complex for someone who has not had experience in dealing with...

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Family Law Reform – What You Need to Know

The Australian Parliament has recently passed significant changes to the Australian family law system aimed at ensuring that the best interests of children are at the centre of all parenting decisions. These amendments aim to foster a more efficient, equitable, and...

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What a Will Kit doesn’t do

There are various ‘Will Kits’ available online – most are cheap or ‘free’ and all you need to do is download them and ‘fill in the blanks’. Many websites boast that you can prepare your Will ‘without spending hundreds of dollars on legal fees’. Simple, right? Not...

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Buying a residential property in Victoria

Buying a property involves many overwhelming considerations, such as where you want to live, how much finance you can get, the type of property you want, not to mention complex conveyancing laws! Appointing an experienced lawyer at an early stage is important in...

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